How to Build Strong Bones and Joints

Worried about your bone density? If yes, that is a valid concern. A healthy and strong skeleton system matters. Tough and hard bones lay the foundation of an active and healthy life.

Yet, if you have it, the condition of low bone-mass density or weak bones and joints can be corrected. This post discusses the same concern.

Increase calcium in your diet

Ensure the recommended calcium intake regularly. This is the first important step towards making your bones strong.

People below 70 are recommended to take at least 950-1,000 mg of calcium regularly. Otherwise, on being older than that, the amount goes up to 1,200 mg.

By the way, everyone can’t take everything up to the recommended level. Thus, it is fine that your daily intake varies from one day to another in quantity. The key point is that you eat something rich in calcium regularly. Taking buttermilk with your lunch is the right start.

Include the following items in your diet:

  • Dairy products
  • Soya Products
  • Kale
  • Canned Salmon with edible bones
  • Almonds
  • Broccoli
  • Sardines
  • Supplements

Make sure you don’t eat too much calcium in a day. All medical conditions take time to correct themselves. Thus, you need to ensure the intake over a long time rather than eating without measures at a time.   

Overdoing supplements or having too much calcium-rich food will increase this particular mineral in your body. Higher calcium intake might lead to the following complications over time:

  • Bone Pain
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue and Lethargy
  • Frequent Urination
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Loss of Appetite

So, eat food with calcium but take care of the amount you consume on a daily basis. Keep it in moderation.

When you have Osteoporosis, your bones are weak and thus not that strong in density. Here, bone fractures become a more likely thing. And if this fracture happens in your joints, it can lead you to require joint replacement surgery.

If this happens, ensure the best joint replacement doctor in Delhi or near you.     

Don’t forget to take vitamin D

It is not directly essential, but you need it to let your body better absorb calcium. Taking this vitamin will make your bones strong and healthy faster because of the hastened process of absorption. Good sources of this vitamin are as follows:

  • Whitefish
  • Tuna
  • Oily fish
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Fortified foods milk and cereals
  • Mushrooms
  • Eggs

Sunlight also stimulates your body to produce Vitamin D.

Let’s now discuss the dietary intake as per age. If you are anywhere between 14 and 70, you should take 15 micrograms of vitamin D regularly. Otherwise, for anyone above 70, the recommended intake is 20 mcg.

However, like calcium intake, pay attention to how much vitamin D you take. In case of overdoing the intake, you might have to go through the following side effects.  

  • Constipation
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • Poor appetite
  • weight loss
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Heart rhythm problems
  • Kidney stones and kidney damage

Try to stay active throughout the day

Every health specialist recommends daily exercise! But have you ever implemented this in your regular life? If not, now is the time you do this. Being active helps make your bones and joints, including other parts of your body, strong and healthy.

So, as much as possible, try to focus on making yourself physically active throughout the day.

Weight-bearing exercises help increase bone mass and thus strength. Do walk, jog or climb stairs regularly. You can even talk to a professional physiotherapist to consult in this regard.

Exercise helps strengthen your bones because of the following reason. When you exercise, it puts healthy pressure or strain on the bones. In response, the skeletal system adapts to this newly introduced increase in physical activity, ultimately growing in density and resilience.     

Like all your body parts, the skeleton is also made up of tiny living cells. So, when bones are made to feel resisted over an extended period of time, they end up becoming stronger and more resilient.

This is the same process as the strengthening of your muscles as a result of regular exercise.   

Don’t indulge in substance abuse

If you have a past of any sort of substance abuse, bone weakening is more likely to occur to you. Substance abuse impacts the calcium-rich parts of your body like bones and joints negatively.  

Thus, you have to quit all sorts of substance abuse if you want healthy bones and joints once again. Don’t drink too much alcohol daily. Regular consumption of alcohol isn’t a healthy habit. If possible, don’t drink at all. Try to live an alcohol-free life.

Quit smoking as well. Not just your bones, smoking damages everything within you. There is always more to your life to do than just smoke it away.  

It will be hard at once to quit abusing a substance. Hence, always see that you consult the right doctor in this regard. Furthermore, if possible, find out a support group.


Following all these recommendations will help you fight Osteoporosis soon. However, it is always crucial that you see an orthopedic doctor first to diagnose your condition best and then help you get the most suitable treatment.

Sometimes, your bones might have become so weak that it could also require certain surgical aids to correct the situation. In that case, see that you get the best orthopedic surgeon in Delhi NCR at your service.

Only a competent surgeon can help you get better without many major complications on the way.

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